Monday 13 June 2011

Zheng Guigui

This 19-year old Chinese girl was born with no fingers on her right hand but she started playing piano when she was 16. I think she is an amazing talent because it takes a lot of courage and patience to learn how to play piano if you can't use fingers. It sounds beautiful when she plays and she plays so good for having no fingers on her right hand. I saw that video in facebook and I thought she should be on my blog, too. I don't know how she does that. It's even hard enough to play piano if you have all your fingers but it's amazing that she doesn't give up because of her disability. And she only plays since 3 years which makes her one of the best new piano players. I can tell you that I wasn't even close to be as good as her when I played piano for 3 years. So, if you're playing an instrument and you feel like giving up, you should watch this video because it will show you that nothing is impossible if you work hard and don't give up.

Estherlou's Blog


Chinese Girl Plays Piano With No Fingers

Chinese Girl Plays Piano With No Fingers. Have you ever let that inner demon tell you, ‘you can’t do that’, or ‘this is impossible!’ I’ve listened to that voice off and on during my entire life, and many times, I’ve listened to that negative voice and given up on something that I felt passionate about but seemed impossible. Here is a video showing that with perseverance, you can carry out anything you dream of. Wow.