Wednesday 8 June 2011

Quick Change Artists

This is the most awesome magic trick I've ever seen. Daniel Michael Maas and Dania Kaseeva are quick change artists. And when I say "quick" then I mean really quick like in a second. I wish I would know that trick. That would be really helpful when I'm late in the morning;) That would be great. Too bad that artists don't share their tricks because I would love to know how to do that. Tell me how you like this after watching this video :


'Quick Change' changes it up on 'America's Got Talent'

David and Dania are an act called"Quick Change" and they delighted the audience on"America's Got Talent" YouTube night on Wednesday, Aug. 11.

David and Dania competed on Season 1 of "America's Got Talent," placing in the Top 10, and have come back several times since then to perform. The act has also become the official halftime act for the NBA and they received an award for being the Best Cabaret Magic by a Duo 2007.

Watch the video below for a taste of their routine. We'll have the video from "AGT" as soon as it's available. Also check out "Evolution of Dance" in case you missed that during the results show.

"America's Got Talent" airs Tuesday and Wednesday nights at 9 p.m. ET on NBC.